Frequently Asked Questions
How do you determine pricing for sign orders?
What kind of image should I use for a photograph?
If you're using a photograph, then you should use a good resolution image.
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What kind of image should I use for a logo or clipart?
To use a logo, or some type image created by a graphics professional from solid lines and colors (specifically called 'vector art'), then EPS is the best choice. By using an EPS file in your design, you can retain the sharp lines in your original image, even if the file size you use is very small. If you do not have access to an EPS file, then GIF or PNG file formats will provide you with the next best print quality.
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Where can I get a high quality image for my sign?
If the image you need is a logo for your company, then you will need to speak with the person who created the design. They will be able to create a file that will work for you. If you are looking for high quality photographic images, you may try using a search engine to find one of the many companies that provide royalty free photographic images.
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How can I tell if my image is good?
One way to see the quality of your image is to open it in a image viewer. Zoom in on the image, or enlarge it a great deal, and see if the image is very grainy. This is a good indication of a poor quality image. In general, it is good practice to find the highest quality image you can.
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How do you decide the 'recommended size' for my image, and the 'viewable distance'?
These calculations are based on the resolution (dots per inch, or DPI) of the image you provide. Uploading a higher resolution image means a larger image will look better at a closer distance. More technically, our system first examines the DPI of the image you upload. Then, based on that DPI, some mathematical formulas and our own experience, it inserts the image into your sign at the maximum size that will likely give you a clean, high-quality image when viewed at a distance of several feet. The system must assume that the image you provide 'looks good' to start with, as the only factor used when calculating the recommended physical size is the actual resolution (DPI) of the image you provide.
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How do you determine pricing for sign orders?
Prices are not taken from a pricing sheet, but are calculated based upon your sign design. As soon as your sign is designed and materials and finishes chosen we can calculate your price The price for your sign depends on several factors. Below you will find a description of each of factor and how to use them to make the signs you need at prices you can afford.
- Size -
Our signs come in many different sizes to accomodate your needs. The general rule is, the larger the sign, the more it costs.
- Number of Colors -
This may or may not be a factor, depending upon the type of sign and method of production.
- Quantity -
The more you buy, the less they cost. Some of your pricing comes from setup and design costs. Reduced set up can reduce costs
- Material -
We offer signs in a variety of materials to help you make a sign that fits your need. they make up for it in durability, quality and appearance.
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